While it is a learner’s right to receive an education and while Bryanston High School will strive to provide the educational opportunities this community has come to expect, it is important that learners acknowledge their responsibilities to themselves, their fellow learners, their teachers and School.
Learners will therefore commit themselves to:
- Be punctual at all times.
- Establish realistic, clear and meaningful academic goals for each year’s study
- Establish a sound work ethic to ensure sustained academic progress.
- Assist in keeping the buildings and grounds neat and clean by not littering.
- Conduct themselves, while on the school premises or outside of school, in a manner that will be a credit to the image of the School.
- Be courteous and respectful in their conduct towards all staff, fellow learners, Councillors and visitors to the school.
- At all times adhere to the school rules as set out in the admission documents and the learner’s diary.
- Involve themselves in all spheres of school life to ensure that the high standards at Bryanston are maintained.
- Ensure that all equipment, provided by the school, is used with care.
The School prides itself on the good relations it enjoys with parents. While parents can expect the school to provide their children with the best possible education with the resources available to it, parents must also accept certain responsibilities which will help the School achieve its goals. The parents must impress on their child the importance of adhering to the school rules and the disciplinary standards required by the school and the parent body as a whole (as represented by the Governing Body).
Parents shall strive to
- Support educators in their efforts to teach their children i.e. monitor homework, check test results, help set goals, regularly consult the diary for educators’ comments.
- Communicate with Grade Controllers or the Principal timeously regarding areas of concern before they become major issues.
- Involve themselves as much as possible in the School’s activities, either actively on a Parents’ Committee or Governing Body or simply as committed supporters of the School.
- Familiarise themselves with the School’s admission documents and the Code of Conduct to avoid confusion at a later date.
- Make suggestions for learners through the Grade Controllers, or provide assistance on request to improve the educational process and environment.
- Nurture their child’s learning through guidance, questioning, assisting and showing interest in their child’s academic progress.
- Provide the daily opportunities needed by their child to complete set scholastic work at home.
- Ensure that their child arrives punctually for all school activities.
- Familiarise themselves with the School’s Discipline Policy and support the School in the implementation and administration thereof.
- Fulfil their financial obligation to the School by paying the school fees as agreed upon at the Annual General Meeting of the Parent Body.
- Inculcate sound values and norms in their child to ensure that every child at Bryanston High School contributes to the establishment and maintenance of a stable learning environment.