We have two official suppliers of uniforms.
McCullagh & Bothwell
This is situated on-site at the school.
Shop Times DURING School Terms
Open - Tuesday & Friday - 7am - 8h30am , Saturdays 9h30am - 12pm
Contact Details
Elton 065 937 3303 bhsuniformshop@gmail.com
School and Leisure
This is an offsite shop in Fourways/Lonehill behind the Pineslopes shopping centre. Visit their website for more information:
Bryanston High School offers a second-hand uniform shop for Bryanstonians looking to purchase pre-owned uniforms still in good condition. The shop is conveniently located on the school premises opposite the pool in the gym quad area and is run by Aida.
Monday - Friday 07h00 - 09h00
Please contact Aidia for any queries:
Aida Musper
Cell number 079 017 1961
The second-hand uniform shop does hold the lost property should any items be handed into the school.